Friday, December 22, 2023

Food Friday: Chocolate Cream Squares

I can't remember what my grandmother used to call these but I've just been calling them chocolate cream squares for years now especially since I took over making them. With Christmas in a few days, I thought I would share this recipe since the holidays are when we eat them. When my mother's mother was alive she would play this trick on me during my late teenage/early adult years, where I would ask if she made them and she would tell me no but after our Christmas Eve dinner she would pull them out and say gotcha. 

Chocolate Cream Squares
Preheat: 350 F     Serves: 9-16     Total time: 20 minutes

2 2/3 c graham wafer crumbs
1/2 c melted butter
4 tbsp brown sugar
2 oz bittersweet chocolate, melted
1 c room temp butter
500g icing sugar
4 eggs

  1. Preheat oven to 350 F
  2. Mix graham wafers, melted butter, brown sugar and a splash of vanilla. Pat in 8" x 8" pan with hands, reserve some of mixture for later
  3. Cook for approximately 5 minutes 
  4. In a large bowl, cream room temp butter. Mix in icing sugar (cup by cup) and eggs (one by one) then add vanilla
  5. Add melted chocolate, mix thoroughly
  6. Pour mixture over cooled graham crust
  7. Sprinkle remaining graham wafer mixture on top
  8. Put in fridge overnight before serving

If you decide to makes these, I hope you enjoy them. 

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